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At vdh you receive application-overlapping individual solutions for industry, craft and business

Machine Manufacturing and Construction of Jigs and Fixtures

With our extensive and state-of-the-art machinery, our qualified trained personnel manufacture your components with great attention to technical detial. Additionally, we offer you complete solutions and carry out your ideas quickly.

Our References

  • OEMs
  • Automotive Companies
  • Suppliers worldwide

Your Advantages

  • Modern CNC Machining Centers
  • Fabrication based on your Samples, Instructions or Drawings

W. v. d. Heyde GmbH – Leak Detection Technology
Wetternstraße 2  | 21682 Stade | Telefon: +49-4141-9991-0  | Fax: +49-4141-2871 
E-Mail: info@vdh-germany.de

vdh Germany
W. von der Heyde GmbH
Wetternstraße 2
21682 Stade
Phone: +49-4141-9991-0
Fax: +49-4141-2871
E-Mail: info@vdh-germany.de

PO Box 1623
Millersville, MD 21108 | USA
Phone: (00) 1-410-729-1288
Fax: (00) 1-410-729-1023
E-Mail: info@vdh-us.com
Internet: www.vdh-us.com